Matching Donation


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Help the Trail stay prepared! Your gift will be matched
Dear Friend of trails,

Snow. Ice. Freezing winds. And shifting temperatures.

As winter continues to bring snowstorms, heavy winds and unpredictable conditions, our Trans Canada Trail faces some of the toughest conditions of the entire year.

If you’re out enjoying a winter walk, would you mind keeping an eye out for signs of wear — broken branches, icy patches, damaged paths and worn markers?

Harsh winter weather takes a toll on the Trail, and we need your eyes and ears open to ensure it stays safe, accessible and beautiful for everyone. If you notice serious damage – please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

We rely on the generosity of supporters to tackle winter’s wear and tear as it happens. Your gift today will help us stay prepared to keep every section of the Trail strong and beautiful in 2025. Can we count on you to make a difference right away? 

Your support will help to:

  • Repair and reinforce damaged paths and bridges, keeping all 29,000 kilometres of the Trail safe for hikers, commuters and families. 

  • Clear dangerous winter debris and restore eroded areas, so everyone can enjoy safely the Trail year-round. 

  • Strengthen key features like bridges, signage and access points that make the Trail easy to navigate and enjoy. 

Thank you for helping us keep the Trail safe and accessible for all,

Mathieu Roy
Chief Executive Officer

P.S. Thanks to the generosity of David and Kathryn Cottingham, every one-time donation made by February 28, 2025, 
will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $22,000.

If you have already made a gift to Trans Canada Trail, thank you so much!
If you have any questions, please feel free to communicate with our Donor Services team at
1-800-465-3636 or
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 Trans Canada Trail
150 Elgin Street, 8th Fl, suite 1053 Ottawa, ON, K2P 1L4, CA

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