

 Just a reminder that the CHPTA Annual AGM will be held Wednesday 30  Sept, 6:30PM in the Westphal Room of Cole Harbour Place. Doors open at 6:00PM. If you haven't already, please RSVP no later than Sat Sept 26. Given the requirements for Covid 19 safety, only CHPTA members are invited this year, and we need the attendance numbers in order to plan the set-up of the room. Please forward your RSVPs to As another note, all memberships expire at the AGM. If you prefer a contactless renewal option, or if you are unable to attend the AGM, you can a) scan your signed renewal application, b) make a payment at, selecting Membership Applications and Renewals from the drop-down list and c) email the scanned application to Of course donations are always appreciated, with tax receipts issued at year end. You can mail-in your renewal, but we would much rather see you at the AGM.

Dwight Perkins, current Membership Director, Gordon Switzer incoming Director

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