
Park status - May 2, 2020

With the premier of Nova Scotia news conference this afternoon and after confirming with provincial Department of Lands and Forestry and Halifax Regional Municipality Active Transportation staff Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association (CHPTA) trail status  is as follows:
  • All parking lots remain closed. People wishing to use the Cole Harbour Heritage Park or any of the trails must walk or bike to them
  • Cole Harbour Heritage Park including all trails managed and maintained by CHPTA are OPEN
  • Shearwater Flyer Trail managed and maintained by CHPTA - OPEN
  • Salt Marsh Trailmanaged and maintained by CHPTA - OPEN
  • Bissett Trail - monitored by CHPTA and maintained by HRM - OPEN
  • Forest Hills Trail  - monitored by CHPTA and maintained by HRM - OPEN
Outhouse and garbage maintenance contracts will be opened as soon as possible. 

Michael McFadden
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association

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