
Back in business!

Hello All:

Thought you might be interested in the number of Trail Users passing by the counter on the Salt Marsh Trail this past weekend.

Friday – trails opened as of 3pm   Total 20   Pedestrians 9   Cyclists 11
Saturday - Total 236   Pedestrians 169   Cyclists 67
Sunday – weather was great   Total 1,332   Pedestrians 887   Cyclists 445

Remember, if you pass by the counter as a group, you are only counted once so the numbers above may be low.

During my 3 hours on the SMT, I observed extremely good social distancing. I received many comments on how great it was to be back on the trails. Many happy faces seen.


Victor G. Henrikson
Chief Trail Warden & Board Member
and Buildings Manager
Cole Harbour Parks & Trails Association

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