
Trail Closure

The section of the Salt Marsh Trail from West Lawrencetown Road to the Canada Goose Bridge will be closed starting Tuesday 12 November until further notice. This is to allow the movement of heavy trucks and excavator equipment to work on this season's re-rocking project. The contractor, Lange's Rock Farm Construction Ltd, is in the final year of a 3 year contract and has provided exemplary service in the first two years of the work. This year's work will be concentrated in the section from Flying Point to the Canada Goose Bridge with truck movement entering the trail at West Lawrencetown Road

This multi-year project is building up the trail sides to a design developed by Grigg's Engineering. Previous years' work has proven to be much more resistant to storms as most of the damage from the Dorian event occurred in the unprotected section of the trail.

The duration of this years' work is weather dependant and will be at least 10 working days.

Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association gratefully acknowledges the funding partners in this project (funding contribution for this year in brackets):
  • Halifax Regional Municipality through the Capital Funding Agreements ($25,000.00)
  • NS Department of Community Culture and Heritage through the Recreational Trail Expansion Grant Program ($18,000.00); and
  • Trans Canada Trails through the Capital Improvement Plan ($12,500.00)
Updates will be provided through the course of the work.

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