
Annual General Meeting 2019

Friends of CHPTA!

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is just under two weeks away. Clear your calendars and come on out Thursday 30 May starting at 6pm at the Church of Saint Andrew 2 Circassion Drive Forest Hills. Email has gone out to all members on our list who are eligible to vote. The By-Laws state that a member may vote if they joined at least one month prior to the meeting.

There are some members who have not provided their own email address. They  rely on friends and family who do get this notice to pass on the information - you know who you are, thanks for helping out.

Memberships expire at the end of the AGM.  To assist you in renewing, the Membership Director will be sending out membership renewal forms to all current members that are pre-filled with all the current information that we have on file. You can print it off, make any corrections, date, sign it and bring it with you to the meeting along with the $5.00 per person membership fee. It will make the renewal process at the meeting much faster.

As with every AGM it is very important that we have as many members show up. It is a great opportunity to see what we have been up to in the last year and what is in the plans for this and next year. 

More importantly you get the opportunity to participate as a full fledged member in our future. The big item this year is a special resolution that will update our Memorandum of Association (basically our constitution) and our By-Laws. Bring all your fellow members (i.e. the family and friends that you have recruited) to the meeting because every vote counts.

I am hoping that you will bring your own copy of the attached documents to the AGM. You may load it on your smartphone, tablet or similar device or print it. If you need a printed document, there will be a limited quantity available at the door. This will help keep our costs down.

I hope to see you at the AGM. There may even be Timbits!

Michael McFadden
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association