
Annual General Meeting 2019

Dear Friends of CHPTA,

As we slosh our way through spring, it is time to look forward to warmer weather and the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The AGM is scheduled for Thursday 30 May 2019 starting at 6pm at the Church of Saint Andrew 2 Circassion Drive. Members are strongly encouraged to attend and the meeting is open to the public. A poster for your use and information is here. Feel free to print, post it in your neighbourhood and bring a friend to the meeting. While CHPTA has email addresses for almost all of our members there are a few for whom we do not have an email address. Some indicated that they get their information from friends who are also members. Please pass on the information to those people.

In addition to the ordinary business, CHPTA members are being asked to consider a Special Resolution to update our Memorandum of Association and our By-Laws. These are the basic documents governing our Association. The Memorandum has not been updated since our founding over 20 years ago. The Board of Directors felt that these revisions better articulate our founding intentions and what we want to do for parks and trails in our communities. The amendment to the Memorandum of Association also updates our registered office and expands the type and level of organizations beyond just the province to which we need to interact with to accomplish our goals.

The Special Resolution will read:
That the Memorandum of Association be amended as follows:
Article 2.(a) to read
"2.       The objects of the Society are;
(a)  To encourage volunteer membership in the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association for the purpose of promoting and coordinating the construction and maintenance of parks and trails for the purposes of the quiet enjoyment of nature, active transportation (human powered) and health in the Cole Harbour Basin and surrounding areas"
Article 2.(b)(iii) to read:
"2. (b) To pursue by way of volunteers, staff and partnership arrangements:
(iii) association with, or membership in federal, provincial and municipal level organizations concerned with the development of trails and parks."
Article 3. to read:
"3.      The registered office of the Society shall be 218 Donegal Drive, Dartmouth NS B2V 1P3."
and that the By-Laws of the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association By-Law  6.(a) be amended to read:

"6.    Membership in the Society shall consist of
(a)    those who abide by and support the objects of the Society as set out in the Memorandum of Association;"
The referenced documents are in this folder  "MoAProposalAGM2019.pdf" and "By-LawProposal-AGM2019.pdf" show what the amended version would look like with the proposed changes in red font.

One of the most important things the membership does at the AGM is to nominate and elect the new Board of Directors for the next year.  Several positions were left vacant at the last AGM which greatly increased the workload on the remaining Directors. Thankfully three members came forward to fill positions since the last AGM - Phil Johnson, Treasurer, Gil Smith, Maintenance Director and Dwight Perkins, Membership and Volunteer Director. All the positions are open and we invite members to consider working with us over the next year.
The current slate with the incumbent is (Note the VACANT positions):
  • Chair, Michael McFadden
  • Past Chair, Holly Woodill
  • Vice Chair VACANT
  • Secretary, VACANT (interim Michael McFadden)
  • Treasurer, Phil Johnson (not reoffering as treasurer but wants to stay on as Director)
  • Capital Projects Director, Charley Sharkey
  • Maintenance Director, Gil Smith
  • Chief Trail Warden/Director, Victor Henrikson
  • Membership and Volunteer Director, Dwight Perkins
  • Communications Director, Amy Scott
  • Director, Anita Johnston Gazzola
  • Director, VACANT
 Keep tuned to emails, our twitter feed and our website for more information on the AGM including the agenda and the feature presentation.
 Questions, comments and nominations can be passed via email to, phone (Voice or text) 902-435-3952.
Michael McFadden
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association