

Work continues on the SMT West Lawrencetown end. Ditching and side of trail clean-up is complete. The trail surface has been graded and will be getting a new coat of crusher dust over the next few days.
Then it will be some quick touchups to the surface of the Salt Marsh trail where we were doing the re-rocking.

Side of trail maintenance on several sections of the Shearwater Flyer will be completed by the middle of next week. The contractor will then be doing side of trail maintenance on two sections of the Heritage trail. Selective pruning (clean up the immediate edge of the trail followed by some selected thinning out to about two meters beyond) will improve sightlines and open the trail to more sunlight from the Patrick Lane entrance to the edge of the field by the main entrance to the Park. Routine side of trail work will be done from the small parking lot on Bissett Road up to the first field near the main entrance.

Both images taken by Jim Tudor.

A new layer of crusher dust being applied on the Salt Marsh trail

Trans Canada Trail sign at the  site of the re-rocking work. TCT was a major funder for this work.