Work on the Jerry Lonecloud, Panorama and Jersey Jack trails has been completed. The response form trail users has been very positive. Kudos to Jim Tudor and Charley Sharkey for excellent project management and to our contractor Rafuse Excavating for a job well done.
Additional work was done around the bridge abutments of the Canada Goose and Bald Eagle bridges that buttress against the "dramatic tidal and wave action. We capitalized on having Lange Rock Farm on site - probably reducing the cost by about 50%
Some re-adjustment of the large rocks at the Bissett Road end of the Flyer were made to discourage ATV "excursions. The work done by HRM for the crosswalk left some sizable gaps and significantly restricted service truck access to the Flyer.
The work on the two crosswalks (SMT/Flyer and Bissett Phase 3) have generated considerable "buzz" among Park and Trails users. All very positive.
Side of trail work on Heritage and Flyer under the Maintenance Funding Agreement (MFA) will start next week
Re-cap work on the SMT from lands end to West Lawrencetown Road has started but will increase tempo next week. SMT from lands end (east side) to West Lawrencetown road will be closed for about two weeks. Signs are going up.
In preparation for heavier truck traffic, we will need to look at some side of trail clearing to allow trucks through unscathed on the SMT.
New order of 40,000 dog poop bags was received today. At current rate of use that should keep us until mid summer 2019. CHPTA is supplying two boxes on the Bissett trail without additional funding.
HRM AT staff verbally advised CHPTA that, due to weather and ground conditions, the work on the Bissett phase 3 (Bissett greenway) will be delayed possibly to next spring. The heavy rains have saturated the ground making trail building very difficult particularly on the Bissett Road side. Talking with the contractor onsite today (20 Nov) there may be activity from the Brookview end of the project - clearing the trail path and some earth moving. He also confirmed the delay. He also indicated that supply problems may delay the installation of the crossing lights at both the Bissett phase 3 and the SMT/Flyer crossings.
Invitations have already gone out to our members for the Christmas social that will be held at the Rose and Kettle Tearoom of the Cole Harbour Farm Heritage Museum Tuesday 4 December. Invitations to our supporters will go out in the next day or two.
Michael McFadden.
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association