
Special General Meeting

Monday 18 June 2018 starting at 6:30 pm
in the Program Building 256 Bissett Road called
to decide on a revised set of By-Laws for
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association 
The primary item of business will deal with the following special resolution:
That Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association accept the revised by-laws as presented in the file "CHPTA by-LawsSGM2018.pdf" distributed for review by email 15 June 2018
At our Annual General Meeting 26 April 2018, the membership unanimously passed the Special Resolution on new By-Laws. The By-Laws were submitted to the Registry of Joint Stock Companies shortly after. Their review revealed that we had omitted a by-law required in Schedule B of the Societies Act. It involves the custody of the Seal of the Society. I have confirmed that CHPTA is not required to have a Seal but the Societies Act requires a by-law outlining the custody and use of the Seal. The required By-Law was left out due to my misinterpretation of Act and was not picked up by Registrar staff when I passed a draft to them for comment.
To meet the requirements of the legislation, I have inserted the following clause in by-law 39 (c) for the duties of the secretary in these revised By-Laws.
"(The secretary shall,....) (c)       have custody of the Seal of the Society which may be affixed to anydocument upon resolution of the Directors;"
The remaining clauses have been re-numbered. No other part of the By-Laws has been changed from the version adopted at our Annual General Meeting 26 April 2018.

I am aware that this was short notice and I apologize for that. The intent was to put the notice out early this week but I was distracted by the forest fire threatening the Shearwater Flyer. This notice does meet the minimum notice required under our current By-Laws. I hope that we can get a decent turnout on Monday to resolve this oversight.

Michael McFadden
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association