
Unenthusiastic Fantastic Plastic. DRASTIC!

Long story short:
If we want the Salt Marsh Trail cleaned up
we have to do it ourselves.

Message from the Chair

You are all invited to come out this Sunday 25 February to the Salt Marsh Trail to help pick up the waddings (and any other small garbage).

This will not be fancy. Sorry no Tim's or other incentives other than my thankful smile

  1. Date Sunday 25 Feb 2018
  2. Time: 2:00 to 4:00pm
  3. Place: 1 km in from Bissett Road by the kiosk and picnic area
  4. You bring: a friend or two, lawn rakes, pick up gear, knee pads, clothes you do not mind getting dirty, a smile
  5. CHPTA will supply large plastic bags, some tools (rakes and shovels, pails), work gloves.

The Plan
  1. Pick up your gloves, a bag or pail, and any tools that are available
  2. head down the trail to the neared pile of waddings. You won't have to travel far!
  3. pick out the waddings and other garbage
  4. stuff any sea grass/weed that also blew over the trail into the nooks and crannies of the rocks. Use whatever is available (rake ends, sticks, hands and feet) to jam the material
  5. bring back the bag/pail of wadding to the start point when you are finished (you decide when)
  6. Accept our thanks and head off home with a sense of accomplishment

And before I get a bunch of reply emails - Yes I know it is short notice but this Sunday looks like it might be the best time weather wise to get some clean-up done.