Your volunteers have just been handed the keys to the building shells that have replaced the Big Red Barn, so we'll have shade and shelter.

They were built using insurance money that DNR won after the disastrous arson that destroyed our beloved Red Barn in 2011.
CHPTA fought to have a replica structure built because the Big Red Barn was such an icon in the area. Preservation of the Red Barn was included in the 1986 agreement that transferred the park from Halifax County to the province. Plans were drawn up, but in the end the province was not willing or able to provide any funding beyond the insurance settlement.
One building shell will be used for maintenance work and storage while the second shell will be used for events and interpretation work. Access to the two building shells allows CHPTA to bring its material and equipment back to the Park where it can be used for our maintenance and public support work. While we lost over $22,000 in material and equipment, much of that has been restored using various funding sources but had to be kept in members homes and garages. Having a place to work from with materials and equipment at hand is a long overdue step in our work in the Park and throughout our over 26 kms of trails.
CHPTA fought to have a replica structure built because the Big Red Barn was such an icon in the area. Preservation of the Red Barn was included in the 1986 agreement that transferred the park from Halifax County to the province. Plans were drawn up, but in the end the province was not willing or able to provide any funding beyond the insurance settlement.
One building shell will be used for maintenance work and storage while the second shell will be used for events and interpretation work. Access to the two building shells allows CHPTA to bring its material and equipment back to the Park where it can be used for our maintenance and public support work. While we lost over $22,000 in material and equipment, much of that has been restored using various funding sources but had to be kept in members homes and garages. Having a place to work from with materials and equipment at hand is a long overdue step in our work in the Park and throughout our over 26 kms of trails.
While the two structures are not a replacement for the Red Barn but are none-the-less welcomed as a means to better carry out our mandate.