
Barn Raising in Question - We need your help!

In 2011, the iconic red barn at the Heritage Park on Bissett Road in Cole Harbour was burnt to the ground in a senseless act of arson.  In addition to being a cultural landmark this building provided storage and a workshop for the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association, the caretakers of the Heritage Park.

We have been working with the NS Department of Natural Resources towards rebuilding the barn, and were anxious to see construction begin after a tender was issued earlier in 2014.  We have recently learned that this tender has been cancelled and the future of the barn rebuilding project is in question.

We are actively working with the Province and Municipality to get this project back on track and could use your help!  If you are supportive of rebuilding this iconic barn, please share this post and contact your local MLA to voice your support.  The local MLA’s contact information is below:

Tony Ince MLA
1081 Cole Harbour Rd., Unit 6
Dartmouth, NS, B2V 1E8
902 406 3358

Thanks and Happy Trails!



  1. Sorry to hear about the barn! If things get rolling for your rebuild and you need an engineer, let me know - I specialize in the design of agricultural buildings - Rural Roots Engineering & Design. Would be lots of fun to work on a heritage-themed structure. Cheers, Steve (

  2. Lets get this up and going again !! Rebuild this beautiful landmark and keep history alive as much as we can !!

  3. It would be great if it was rebuilt and the space able to be rented out for birthday parties and weddings etc. Summer barn weddings seem to be quite the trend now.
