
2014 Annual General Meeting - April 29th - 6:30pm

Annual General Meeting Announcement

Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association will be having their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, April 29th at 6:30pm – All are welcome!

Every day, people from around HRM come to the parks and trails within Cole Harbour to enjoy some of the most beautiful scenery in all of Nova Scotia. Although it continues to be unknown to many, these parks and trails are managed and maintained by passionate volunteers throughout the community to make it a beautiful place for all to enjoy.

 The volunteer board of directors will be hosting their annual general meeting on Tuesday, April 29th at 6:30pm at the Church of Saint Andrew (2 Circassion Drive). During this meeting, you will be able to learn about:

- The “Big Red Barn”: Find out more about the plans to re-erect the iconic building on Bissett Road;
- Forest Hills Trail: If you have walked the trails along John Stewart recently, you will know that the trails are being upgraded – find out our plans for the trails in that area;
- Volunteer Board: Have your opportunity to learn more about the current Directors, and have your vote to elect a new Board;
- Find out more about where the funding is coming from to maintain the parks, and learn how the money was spent over the last year;
- Learn about new membership and volunteer opportunities for the upcoming year, so you can do your part to maintain the beauty that exists within our community;
- Learn about the major construction and maintenance projects that have been accomplished over the year, and what is in store for next year and beyond;
- And more!

 We will be starting the evening at 6:30pm, so please arrive early so you can have enough time sign in for the evening, let us know how you want to get involved, and sign up for your 2014/2015 membership (tax receipts are given for all membership/donations of $10 or more).

All are welcome!

On behalf of the CHPTA, thank you in advance for the support of this event; community support is one of the pillars of our success to date.

 Mike Herenberg Board Member CHPTA

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