
Abundance of Wildlife along the Cole Harbour Heritage Park Trails

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Cole Harbour Trail Patrol Wardens have noticed an abundance of wildlife
along the many Cole Harbour Trails, and have captured the wildlife sightings
on camera. Enjoy the pictures. Note 20 pictures in all, be sure watch them all!

Rabbits seem to be in large numbers and have been sighted in the Heritage
Park, along the SMT and Shearwater Flyer.  Also Porcupines are in large
numbers with many sightings along the Shearwater Flyer, the SMT and also in
the Costley Farm and Heritage Trail areas in the park. And, yes one was
sighted two days ago along the Bissett Trail between the Kiosk and the Ball

The gaspereau (fish) are in the hundreds swimming up the Morris Lake
Brook, and from the bridge one can at times see the water teaming with the
fish.  Osprey and cormorants have also noticed the movement of fish and have
been sighted diving for a meal.

The sounds of birds singing and the hooting of an owl all add to the
wonderful sounds along our trails.

Just a great time of the year!

Don Carter
Chief Trail Patrol Warden