
Winter in the park

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What a pleasure it has been to get out on the trails in the Cole Harbour Heritage Park.  Just a week ago all trails in the park were clear of ice and snow which made for easy movement, but it is February and those conditions did not last long, as once again all trails are covered with snow and many are very slippery.  A good suggestion for travelling on trails at this time is to wear ice grips on the bottom of your footwear.

   It is amazing the amount of wildlife that has been sighted along our trails.  Attached are pictures I was lucky enough to capture recently.  The quality is not the best, sometimes you don't have much time to get that perfect picture.  The pileated woodpecker was sighted on the Heritage Trail just opposite the Costley Farm  Trail, and the picture of the old tree is where I first sighted the woodpecker digging for food quite low to the ground, as shown by the holes dug in the tree.  The young porcupine was sighted off the Costley Farm Trail in the area of the large field.  On Tuesday Feb 5th, I was somewhat disappointed after being out on the trails for nearly 2 hours (in bitter cold weather) and had not seen a single bird or any wildlife, but as I was heading for the exit out of the park because it was beginning to get dark, there in front of me was a huge owl sitting on the old fence post.  You might say the owl made my day, as I was able to snap a picture in the darkness.

The new snow also clearly showed many animal tracks throughout the park: ie. rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, and other tracks that I am not familiar with.

Enjoy the pictures and I hope to see you out on the trails to witness wildlife and enjoy the beautiful winter scenes.