
November 19, 2012 - Bridge Placement

The weather was ideal cool sunny and practically no wind. The crane operators arrived at about 8:30 and spent the remainder of the morning preparing the site and crane. It was a very “slick” and professional operation. It was very impressive to see these massive machines (crane, trailers and weights) moved with precision. It was not unusual to hear the rigger ask the crane operator to move the bridge or large weights (used to counter-balance the crane) in increments as small as quarter inch. While the weight of the bridge was about half the cranes capacity one could see the crane boom visibly bend under the strain. Charley watched the craning from the Brookview side and took his own pictures. He and Lorelei Nicoll were the first non contractors to cross the bridge meeting at the halfway point. Charley’s smile was evident even from the other side of the brook!! Terra Marine as contractor for this phase of the work will now complete the installation of the bridge (fastening in place) and finish the bridge approaches – boardwalk and trail surface and remedial work around the trails where heavy equipment has turned up the grounds and trail surfaces. The bridge will be “open for business” about 5 Dec and an official opening is tentatively scheduled for the first Saturday in June – International Trails Day. By that time the CHPTA will confirm the designation of this section of trail from Brookview Drive to Cole Harbour Drive as part of the Trans-Canada Trail
Michael McFadden

Pictures moved to Photo Gallery